Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 21st, 2013 Sail out of Oceanside.

OK. This will be my final sail for this year. I was able to get out for a few hours Saturday, 21/12/13.  :D Great sail out of Oceanside, California. Wind a steady 9mph with gusts to 20mph. No ballast or reef. Just about on the edge of this. If the wind filled in I was going to reef. Swells were at 6 feet with the sets coming at 11 second intervals. Great surfing waves. A little rough, as you can see. I still have yet to ship any water in the BayRaider! I did have a situation where I was a little late spilling the wind while crossing the downside of a wave, went over pretty well but still no water. Got to love these BayRaiders.

Nice video of the sail.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

November 30th, 2013. Mission Bay with the Potters

Time: 3:22:23
Moving Time: 2:46:57
Elapsed Time: 3:22:23
Avg Speed: 2.9 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 3.5 mph
Max Speed: 6.7 mph

Fun weekend with the Potters. I was planning on sailing Friday and Saturday. Rain on Friday morning put that day off. I went for dinner with the group at the Mission Bay Yacht club. Saturday was sun and wind. Picked up to about 9 knots with gusts over 15.
I had a fun incident as I sailed up to the dock and the club, the wind blew me off the dock and I tried to jump. Well, I should have stayed on the boat! I fell in the water. I could not pull my self over the side. So, I slid around to the stern and used the rudder step to climb onto the boat. The rudder step worked well, but not really the way I wanted to find this out. The wind continued to push the boat out and it was good I chose to stay with the boat, rather than holding onto the dock. I sailed out a little then came back in. A person saw me go in and came down to help. He held the bow for me this time so no more drama. I was soaked up to my chest.  Ken, from International marine came out with me for a while. Nice for him to see the boats performance as I am trying to get him to build the boats out here.
 Nice sail today.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 17th, 2013

Cool sail out of Oceanside. Sailed approx 15 NM, out for 4 hours. Nice wind at about 6 knots, with gusts to 10.
Two long tacks. Very cool.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 3, 2013

Great weather for a sail. Sunny and warm. Winds were light at around 5-8 mph. Started off on just jib and mizzen for a lazy sail. Put up the mail after a while and some nice speed to end up the day.

8.90 mi
Average Speed
3.3 mph 
Here are a couple of video's of the day.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sail with Michael 10/28/2013

Sail out of Oceanside with Michael. He is visiting from Cleveland. Not much wind and fog early. The fog raised enough for us to go out. Out for about three hours, seven miles traveled.
7.07 mi
Average Speed
2.5 mph
Here is a video of our sail.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sail on El Padito Sept 29 2013

Went out of Mission Bay. Out for a little over two hours. Was a nice sail up, under the bridges into sail bay. Then a down wind run back to the dock. Nice day on the water.
Map DataMap data ©2013 Google - Terms of Use
Map Data
Map data ©2013 Google
Map data ©2013 Google
2 km
2 mi
Map DataMap data ©2013 Google - Terms of Use
Map Data
Map data ©2013 Google
Map data ©2013 Google
2 km
2 mi
10.00 mi
Average Speed
4.2 mph
Activity Type:

Elevation Gain:
6 ft
Event Type

Mast being fixed

Finally dropped off my mast to be fixed with a San Diego shipwright, Scott Cain. He should have the mast ready for me in about 10 days. It will be great to have a straight mast finally. He is also going to varnish it. Should look like new when finished.

The lower end of the mast was a little tricky, but I got it glued (West System Epoxy) perfectly lined up with the mast head.
You couldn't tell with all the paint on it, but the bottom 6" of the base had fiberglass glassed into the mast base.  After planeing it square and lining it up square with the mast head, I epoxy with fiberglass matt the lower end.  It will make the lower end stronger and tie it all together.
Today I'm sanding, striping, fairing and priming (545 Awlgrip) the bottom.  Next week, clear coat.
I'll call you latter next week.   Every coat takes a day to dry and I'm putting lots of coats on it.

More updates: This shows the alignment at the top and bottom of the mast. They are both now in alignment.

Here is a photo of the alignment before the work was started.
Here is the after picture

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fun sail with Jerry

Fun sail out of Dana Point Sunday. I hooked up with the Potters. Wind was only supposed to be 5 knots. Ended up close to 10 with gusts to 15. Exciting! Out for 4 hours. Ave speed about 4 knots. Approx 16 n miles.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sail with Howard

Fun sail with Howard out of San Diego bay. He rented a 29 ft Catalina from his club. Fun sail on a big boat. A little different than sailing Nomad!

A cool schooner entering the bay.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Swallow Boats Burgee

I finally was able to set up and fly my Swallow Boats burgee. I tied in onto the starboard shroud.