Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Monday, March 11, 2013

Wild waves and good wind

Sail out of Oceanside, 3/10/2013, with Kevin. Winds about 8 knots as we raised the sail in the basin and headed out. I filled the balast while in the basin so we could carry full sail and not reef as the wind was expected to fill in with gusts over 15. The wave action was "interesting". Swells from one direction and wind waves from a different one. Made the water a little like a washing machine! Going down the swell I would have to fight to keep course. The winds did fill in felt like over 20?, and were good. If the water was not so choppy, it would have been a great sail. Still, good experience in choppy water. I did discover that I really do not like this kind of chop. Had a few missed tacks where I ended up in irons. I was not keeping the tiller over long enough to make the tack. Fixed that with Kevin's help and all was well. Top speed 7 knots and a little over 9 Nmiles travelled.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sunday March 3rd, 2013 - Oceanside sail

Well, nice weather warming up after a few cold days. Decided to try a sail out of Oceanside. The forecast called for 10 knot winds. They did not appear. I launched, rigged the sails and motored out to the harbor basin. Played with the Lido sail boat club and then headed out past the breakwater. The wind was out of the NNE at around 4 knots. The wind died after approximately 30 mins out on the ocean. Motored back to the basin and floated around enjoying the sun. Still no wind after an hour so headed in for the day.