Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sail Damage November 2017

After my last sail, I noticed that my main sail had ripped by the grommet on the gaff. I had noticed during the sail that the sail had twisted and wrapped around the gaff. But really did not think much about it. The force on the sail with the big wind gusts was probably what did it. So now I am looking for a sail maker to repair it.

It is just one rip that I took the photo of from both sides of the sail.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Oceanside 11/12/16

Nice sail today. Gentle breeze on departure. Building to a good wind about 4 miles off shore. A gust pushed me to a good heel angle. When I looked around there were white tops everywhere. A good sail.
A little drama early in the sail. I heard a mayday from a boat very near to me that a kyaker was separated from her canoe and was going into hypothermia.  I headed over to their location to see if I could help. The sailboat that had made the call was still there and another canoe had also arrived. The ladies in the second canoe were in the water holding the distressed person afloat. The Oceanside police also arrived about the same time I arrived. They pulled her out of the water and she looked unconscious.  Lucky the ladies held her afloat!