Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Monday, January 4, 2016

Morning sail, 1/3/16. First sail of the new year.

Was going to sail on the Saturday. But was tired and decided to not go. Sunday, the winds were good in the morning. So up, out and on the water by 9.30am.  Strange event prior to going out. I was using the restroom and my mouth was dry, I tried to spit and had a gag reflex! Not happened before. I am always a little nervous going out on the ocean. But this is a new level! I had not been sailing for about a month. So must be heightened nerves...
 Motored out in small wind and raised the main about a quarter mile outside the breakwater. Picked a good breeze and was over 5 knots quickly. Then no wind for about 20 mins. Then good wind again. Most of the tacks were over 5 knots.
  Has a pod of dolphins out feeding. They played in my wake for a while. Always good seeing the dolphins. Not sure what it is, but I am excited every time this happens.
  The weather started to change and a front started to move in. Time to reef? or time to get off the water. It looked like rain. So, tacked for the harbor.
 The winds were between 10-15 knots.

Here is a fun video from today.