Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Chula Vista with the Potters

Sail with good winds in Chula Vista with the Potter group.

The GPS stopped tracking speed on the return leg. Which had some of the best wind and speed. Shadow Fox recorded winds around 18 knots. Sure I was going faster on that leg than on the way up to the bridge.
A problem trying to roll in the jib. The furler did not want to cooperate. Leaving the jib half out. Made for a fun docking experience, or, rather a controlled crash! Not a problem with controlling into the dock. However, there is a guard fence sticking out which I hit :) I had raised the center board so I had more control with the outboard. But, the result was I side slipped as approaching the dock and hitting the metal fence! Well, I know better now. No major damage to the boat apart from nicks and scratches to the rub rails. Which did their job well. I will have to sand them down and apply new varnish.