Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Sunday, January 12, 2014

1st sail of new year. Jan 5th, 2014

Good sail out of Oceanside. Weather man called for 5mph winds and one foot seas. Well, he was wrong. Ended up with good wind and fun swells.
Top speed of 6.2 knots. Ave speed of 3.4 knots. 14 Nmiles. Out for a little over four hours.

Two fun videos of the sail. One is going down wind with a following sea. Good practice for me. I ended up just securing the jib in neutral, rather than trying for wing on wing. With the following sea, the jib was being bounced from side to side and was annoying me. No apparent loss in speed once I went with just Mizzen and main.
The second video is of the fun waves as I beat back up wind to the marina. No ballast, so the boat was just bouncing and crashing through the waves. A fun part of the sail. As always, the waves look smaller on the video :)

Down wind with following sea video.

Bumpy sea video. You can see I am feathering into the wind to keep the speed around 4.5/5knots. I also noticed on the video that I have the foot of the sail to tight. Result being it pulled my second string of perele beads loose from the mast. No danger of losing them as I had beads on both side of the sail to keep the string secure. I learned that after losing one of my first strands in a good chop out of Chula Vista last year!

Bumpy sea video.

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