Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Saturday, April 26, 2014

About my Big Toe!

OK, so there I was, excited about going sailing. I drive over to where I keep my boat. Parked and start to pull my trailer out to the jeep. As I am pulling the trailer out, I pull the front wheel right over my big toe! I look down and see - My toe nail gone, a big hole with what looks like gore just oozing out.. Yuk. OK, big problem. I hate the sight of blood. Having stitches makes me pass out. So, my thought is, with losing this much blood, will I pass out? Go into shock? etc. There is no one around in the parking area and not likely to be too many coming in today. So, I push the trailer back, jump in the car and head over to the house. (I now realize that I am really not in that much pain - good thing!).
Get there, enter and call out for my wife. She does not hear as she is in the shower. So, I hobble upstairs, announce that I am going to urgent care, normal surprise and what happened, no time to chat as I am bleeding over the carpet. (I did put a paper towel around the toe as I entered, so I was bleeding over the paper towel to be accurate).
 I go down to urgent care. The receptionist can not see my foot and wants me to fill out a bunch of paperwork! I try to help her understand the bleeding and mess on the carpet etc. Still no luck, so I have to raise my foot so she can see the issue. Good, now I am taken straight back to a room. Doctor comes in, Hmmn not good. Looks like an open fracture and they can not take care of it there. Marjorie comes in as the doctor is trying to figure out what to do. I conveniently pass-out so I do not have to worry! I wake up with oxygen mask on and the doctor saying that they have called 911. The paramedics arrive - Seems like they only accept young, good looking guy's. All the girls are enjoying the show, Marjorie is unhappy that she is not wearing make up! he-he. :) The paramedics get me stable and offer a ride to the emergency room. OK the "no drama" gene kicks in and I ask Marjorie to take me in the car...
Check into the emergency and finally get to the room to see the doctor. The look on his face is not good. He immediately starts talking about surgery. Here I was thinking that a clean up and a few stitches and I would be on my way! No such luck. Xrays taken confirm toe broken in three places. Still have the nasty cut to deal with. Lots of dirt in the wound concerns everyone. The emergency room doctor calls the specialist and then starts to try and clean the wound, while giving me assorted injections and some kind of drip. (I found out latter that one of the injections cost $100! wow). The specialist doctor arrives. Nice young lady, inspects the wound and confirms I will need to go to surgery so she can clean the wound correctly and stitch it up.
OK, I feel better about that so I do not have to watch, feel the pain of the cleaning and stitches. Yes, I am a wimp. I know, it is just how I am. I have to wait a while as I drank coffee with cream and they do not want to give me a general until I have digested the milk. Knowing It would be a couple of hours until the surgery, I had suggested to Marjorie that she keeps her hair cut appointment then come back.Wait a couple of hours and they wheel me in. Knock me out and I wake up later in recovery. Bandage on my toe and the nurse telling me everything went well. Good, that means I still have my toe... The emergency room doctor thought that the toe may need to be amputated.. Marjorie arrives looking great in with her hair done nice. Time to hobble out and go home. Enough drama for one day!
So it's a few week latter now and the bills arrived. The cost for my day in the hospital is right around $20,000. Good job my insurance is picking up the vast majority of these charges. Still, going over the charges I now find some silly, (to me), charges I will need to contest.
The toe is healing nicely.  Still not sure if the toe nail will grow back, ever. But the wound is healing well. The specialist did a great job stitching it back up so no hole, just a nice looking cut type scar probably!
So, here it is about a year and a half latter. I did have the nail grow back, it then came off and grew again. The wound has mended nicely. Must be good genes! It is hard to even see where the cut was. It definitely does not look like the kind of wound recovery where the toe was almost cut in two!

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