Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Transom cracks

I found a crack by the rudder stock in the transom. Not sure what caused this. Sent the note below to Matt and here is his reply.


Here is the resolution. Matt sent me a piece of shaped wood to fit as a brace. He even sent the longer bolts needed. Great customer service.
I just dry fitted to make sure all was good, then added epoxy and bolted on. This should give good support and correct the issue.


Hi Matt,
               Thank you for the prompt reply. I forgot that you were at the Swallow Boats raid. I hope you had a nice time sailing! I would be happy to fund the shipping. Let me know how much and how to pay, credit card?
I am still loving my boat.... It's great fun to sail.

Question for you, do you have a U.S. Rep? I am talking with Ken, who owns international marine. He makes the West Wright Potters. I am hoping to have him develop a relationship with you. Do you have a prospectus on margins etc he could review? Of course this is academic if you already have a rep.



From: matt@swallowboats.com
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 08:29:16 +0100
Subject: Re: David Peachey's BayRaider
To: ca2nj@hotmail.com
CC: laura@swallowboats.com

Good to hear from you. No problem with leaving the mast for longer.
Re the crack. Yes, we have seen that once before. It was caused by the tiller being forced downward - I think the owner fell on it - there is a lot of leverage as am sure you can appreciate.
The best way to fix it is to stiffen up the whole area, which we now do as standard.
 You do this with a block of timber, about 2" x 1/2" x "width" where "width" is the max you can get between the sides of the outboard well. You may need longer bolts, which are stainless M10 ones. And the block will need a little shaping to match the camber of the transom.
David, if you could cover the shipping cost then we could send you a new block, pre drilled, with longer bolts to match? Its then a pretty straightforward job with some sikaflex and spanner/screwdriver.
Let me know.

+44 (0)1239 615482

On 29 June 2015 at 18:16, David & Marjorie ..... <ca2nj@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Matt and Laura,
                                    I wanted to give you an update on the mast twisting, as promised. I also found a crack in the transom by the rudder bolts. Pics of both. It looks like the mast is still twisting to me and I would like to give it a little more time, if that is OK with you, before attempting a fix.
 I would like your help with the transom crack. Not sure what or why this happened. It does look like it is not just a surface gel crack and is an actual crack! Have you seen this before?
How do I get to be so lucky with this stuff!



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