Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dana Point with the Potters 1/28/17

First sail of the year. The weather so far this year has been cold and raining. Unusual for Southern California.
The day was great for sailing. The weather goods cooperated. Think it was 66 degree. Little wind to start out between 11 and noon. Just becalmed and enjoyed conversation and a beer with Kevin. Wind picked up at noon and went up to about 10 knots. Fun sailing. I followed Mo (Beneteau 23 and Gary (Catalina 22) out. In light wind, Mo was easily the fastest and started to pull away form us all. Gary was able to stay close, the wind kicked in and they both started to pull away from us all.
We went out a max of three miles, then tacked back with good wind. Furled the sail as we got closer to the harbor and ran with just jib and mizzen for a while. I had forgotten how the boat handled and how much sea way was needed.  The wind eventually died and I started the motor and came in.


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