Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Splashing Nomad

First sail of the Nomad. Saturday 9/15/2012. Wahoo. Finally have my boat in the water. Great day for 1st sail. About 90 degrees and winds of 5 - 10 mph. GPS said highest speed was 7.5 knots. But averaged 5- 6 knots most of the sail. Out on the water for a little more than 3.5 hours. San Diego bay on a spectacular day. Took about 45 mins to rig and few teething issues to resolve.
One issue as we were coming back in. The palstic shackle on the self furling jib failed. I was unable to furl the sail until back at the dock and replaced the plastic with a stainless shackle.

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