Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Saturday, September 22, 2012

1st solo sail 9/22/2012

First solo sail today. Went out of Oceanside Harbor. Sailed 8.2 NMiles. Average speed of 3.8 n according to the GPS. Wind of 3-9 mph. The wind died off to about 3-4 knots around 3pm and really brought the average down. Highest speed was 6 knots, going out of the Harbor. Filled the ballast tanks befor casting off under jib and mizzen with motor. Main sail hoisted in the harbor main basin. Was fun as I heaved to, but ended up circling as I brought up the sail. Have to figure out why and how to do when there is more wind than today. Here is the obligitory photo of the great blue beyond as I head out.
Nice gentle sail for first solo. Did notice an issue with the main sail. I have the gaff laced to tightly and need to loosen it off to remove the wrinkles in the sail.
Nice photo of the shiney new hull as we glide through the water.

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