Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mission Bay sailing 9/30/12

Fun sail today with Kevin and his daughter Mattie. Originally tried to go out of Oceanside. But, they were holding the "Harbor Day" annual event and the boat launch were closed. It actually worked out great. We drove down to mission bay and launched on the main bay. Set up went smoother this time. I am starting to gain a set up routine. Still some to do. But better. Moved to finger dock, raised main sail and sailed the entire day. Did not turn on the motor once. Winds about 10mph. Out on water approx 4 hours. The gps did not want to work today, so no accurate numbers. We sailed up towards the ocean out let, under the bridge then entered sail bay. Some nice tacks around the bay. I had one hairy moment when I was practicing gybing. I gybed and did not bring in the sail to neutral enough. The wind caught it and took it hard to starboard. The resulting jolt knocked me off my feet, buried the rail and I am lying in the bottom of the boat. I let go the tiller and the boat rounded up nicely. Probably as close to a knock down as I want to be. It probably looked like a knock down to anyone watching. So, some more experience! know not to do that again....

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