Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mast twisting issue

The wooden mast has twisted during either curing or shipping the result being that it is off center by about 45 degrees. On my last sail I noticed that the gaff was pulled off center and the sail was chaffing on the boom gooseneck. I had asked for a solution to this from Matt Newland before. I really would like to have the mast replaced. So I sent him another email with a cc to Bill Vogel, Swallow boat rep in the USA. Here is a photo that shows the mast twisting.
Hi Matt, I saw your video on you tube of the Southampton boat show. Boats looked great and the BC 23 was impressive. You sold one too. Congratulations. I wanted to follow up with you on the questions I asked you, via email, while you were at the show. 1) Were you able to find the Harken block for the Jib? 2) On the mast twisting. I am still concerned with this. As I sail the boat I am seeing more issues with this. It is twisting the Gaff off center and causing chaffing on the sail. ( I repaired the sail with sail tape as a temporary fix until I can have a patch applied at the sail makers). It is chaffing on the boom gooseneck fixture that has sharp edges. I will need to file them smoother. There is a difference in performance also, depending on which tack you are on. I would like to see if we can resolve this while the boat is under warranty with a replacement mast. I just do not see the situation getting any better with the mast. You did offer a solution of shaving the bottom of the mast. But, this really is beyond my abilities to do, or, really explain what to do to a competent craftsman. I look forward to discussing any options you see to resolve the mast twisting situation. Here are four photo's showing the chaffing and the temporary repair with sail tape.

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