Out of Oceanside, California

Out of Oceanside, California

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Nice sail again today out of Oceanside. Solo sail. Out for about 3.5 hours. 10.9 Nmiles. Ave speed 3.2 knots. Top speed 6.8 knots. Did not use ballast and rigged full sail. The adjusted rollers on the trailer work much better. Still a little more adjustment to make it right. Lights on the trailer also went out today. Looks like I blew the fuse in the car as the trailer light indicator is also not working. Hope it is just the fuse. Everything else in the car works fine. The Oceanside Lido club was out sailing in the basin today. Fun seeing these boats. Some spirited racing. I have to figure out how to get the tracks from my GPS to here. I know there is a way as I have seen on other blogs. Just technically challenged! Big waves today. The sea was beam on best point of sail. If I was going to be sea sick, this was the time. Gentle sail until about 2pm. Wind picked up and made it exciting. This is where the best speeds took place. I did see a 5.8 knot reading. I did not see the 6.8? Must have been holding on 8>). I really enjoyed this part of the day. Challenged to keep the boat in control while maximizing the speed

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